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The Cannon Club’s Pink & Blue Golf Benefit Raises Funds to Support Prostate, Breast Cancer

The 14th Annual Pink and Blue golf classic was held on October 9, 2023, at The Cannon Club in Lothian, MD. This year’s tournament celebrated the lives of beloved members Mary T. Lerch and James J. Xinis and raised $39,762 to benefit CalvertHealth. Xinis servied as President and CEO of CalvertHealth from 1987-2015.

“We are so grateful for the long-standing support and advocacy of the Pink and Blue Golf Benefit,” said CalvertHealth President and CEO Jeremy Bradford. He added, “I had the opportunity to meet Mr. Xinis before he passed away, and I was honored to participate in a tournament that paid tribute to his life and legacy. He was truly a pioneer in health care and we have him to thank for many of our community’s medical advances over the past three decades.”

Since it began, Pink and Blue has raised more than $550,000 in net proceeds and invested in the latest breast cancer and prostate treatment equipment for both CalvertHealth and Anne Arundel Medical Centers. In 2023, Cannon Club members Ray and Nickie Zancan took over planning for tournament. Alongside longtime committee members, they were able to successfully raise nearly $80,000 in their first year spearheading the event.

In the past, proceeds from the Pink and Blue tournament have helped CalvertHealth expand its patient education, the nurse navigation program, and purchase equipment related to treating breast cancer, prostate cancer, genetic testing and expanding surgical services. This year, the donated proceeds will be directed toward CalvertHealth’s affiliation with Duke Health, a National Cancer Institute (NCI) Designated Comprehensive Cancer Center.

“We have already seen the benefits of our relationship with Duke Health in our cancer center. Not only are our patients getting the best, most innovative care possible, we expect to be able to offer clinical trials to our patients in 2024,” said Kasia Sweeney, Vice President Strategy and Business Development.

The 15th annual Pink and Blue Golf Benefit will take place on October 14, 2024 at The Cannon Club.

Members of The Cannon Club Pink and Blue Committee presented a check to the CalvertHealth team from annual golf classic.
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